Preparing files for digital printing
We are able to print directly from files saved in many Mac and PC graphics applications. Many graphics file types can be brought directly into our FlexiPro Raster Image Processor (RIP). Direct printing vector file formats include encapsulated postscript (EPS) and Adobe PDF. Direct printing bitmap formats include JPEG and TIFF formats as well as Photoshop EPS files. Text within vector EPS files must be converted to outlines, paths or curves to avoid any font issues. Files that include bitmaps need to have sufficient resolution for proper reproduction at the typically large sizes for posters and banners. For close viewing (under five feet), the resolution should be 150 to 200 pixels per inch (ppi) at the final printing size; for longer viewing (over five feet), the resolution should be 75 to 100 ppi.
Regarding Color
Printing files may be RGB or CMYK, but for best results, all objects created in the application, as well as all embedded and linked files, must be in the same color format. RGB files have the widest initial color gamut for hi fi color printing without the limitations of CMYK. RGB files must include an embedded profile or a profile callout (Adobe RGB 1998 is preferred) for proper RIP color conversion. CMYK files can either include an embedded profile (in the case of TIFF files) or a profile callout (SWOP v2 preferred).
Photoshop: Leave files in RGB color. Sign Master will convert to CMYK using specialized methods. If files are not RGB, Sign Master cannot properly control the color. For an additional fee, Sign Master will provide a color proof for approval prior to production.
Illustrator: Please specify any PMS colors that you would like to match. Note that we do NOT print with PMS ink. We use a pantone matching system as a guide to get as close as possible to your intended color. Please provide a hard copy of your file if color matching is desired and note there is an additional charge for this service. Leave any placed images in their original RGB color.
About Resolution Photoshop: Files need to be created with a resolution of 100 dpi at final size. Note that images must be scanned at a high enough resolution - simply increasing the resolution on a low resolution file will not work.
Illustrator: Files should be set up at 100% of their original size. If it is necessary to set up files proportional to the final size, please specify (1/2, 1/3 or 1/4 size) in the file. Any linked or embedded images should be 100 dpi at their final size.
Many page layout programs, including Adobe Indesign and QuarkXpress, will save a high resolution PDF file for printing. Files may be saved at a reduced size of the final print, but the resolution of that file must be higher to compensate for the final size. Many other applications, such as Word and Excel, can also make a PDF file using a third party PDF generator such as PrimoPDF or Cute PDF (see resources below). Adobe Acrobat Reader may be used to verify your PDF.
General Specs Please make sure all files can be opened by Photoshop. Be sure to embed linked images in your file. Sign Master prefers if you convert all fonts to curves before sending. In cases when this is not possible, please include your fonts with the file. Bleed is not necessary but may improve the mounting process. You should not put important graphics or copy within 1/2" of the edge. Please provide a hard copy of the file to be printed or, if the file is sent via the web, a pdf or jpeg of the file for proofing purposes. Failure to set up files per this instruction sheet may result in unexpected charges for art time. If you have ANY questions, please feel free to direct them to our art department.